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Sunday, November 14, 2010

C# | Winforms | Textbox within Button

Here is an example for creating a Button control which contains a Textbox inside it.
This is very usefull when the button functionality is based (only) on the textbox content text, and it is very usefull for the user.

Screenshot (image) example:

The Code:
class ButtonWithTextbox : Button
    TextBox _textbox = new TextBox();

    public int TextboxWidth
        get { return _textbox.Width; }
        set { _textbox.Width = value; }
    public Point TextboxLocation
        get { return _textbox.Location; }
        set { _textbox.Location = value; }
    /** And we may add all properties of the Textbox ***/

    public ButtonWithTextbox()

Also work great on the designer... :)


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