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Sunday, November 28, 2010

c# | Check if VcRedist installed (x86/x64/IA64)

The following code checks if vcredist (Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package) is installed.
This check is used when we want to assure that the Visual C++ 2008 SP1 is INSTALLED perior to the application launch.

The code is using the MsiQueryProductState function from the msi.dll.

We check the product codes of vcredist_x86, vcredist_x64 and vcredist_IA64 using MsiQueryProductState to validate if the product is installed or not!
(vcredist product codes are listed HERE)

The Code:
public enum INSTALLSTATE
   INSTALLSTATE_NOTUSED = -7,  // component disabled
   INSTALLSTATE_BADCONFIG = -6,  // configuration datacorrupt
   INSTALLSTATE_INCOMPLETE = -5,  // installationsuspended or in progress
   INSTALLSTATE_SOURCEABSENT = -4,  // run from source,source is unavailable
   INSTALLSTATE_MOREDATA = -3,  // return bufferoverflow
   INSTALLSTATE_INVALIDARG = -2,  // invalid functionargument
   INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN = -1,  // unrecognized productor feature
   INSTALLSTATE_BROKEN = 0,  // broken
   INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED = 1,  // advertised feature
   INSTALLSTATE_REMOVED = 1,  // component being removed(action state, not settable)
   INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT = 2,  // uninstalled (or actionstate absent but clients remain)
   INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL = 3,  // installed on local drive
   INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE = 4,  // run from source, CD ornet
   INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT = 5,  // use default, local orsource
private static extern INSTALLSTATE MsiQueryProductState(string product);
public static boolIsVCRedistInstalled()
   string[] strCodes = newstring[]
       //vcredist_x86 - ProductCode
       //vcredist_x64 - ProductCode
       //vcredist_IA64 - ProductCode
   for (int i = 0;i < strCodes.Length; i++)
       state = MsiQueryProductState(strCodes[i]);
           return true;
   return false;

You may also extent and improve this method to check only those Product Codes that matching current architecture (x86/x64/IA64).

Hope it helps,